By John L. Sexton, Jr.
The township of Ward, named in honor of C.L.
Ward, of Towanda, Pa., is situated in the southeastern highlands
of Tioga County, where arise the springs,
rivulets and creeks which first form the Tioga River. It is bounded on the north by the township
of Sullivan; on the east by Bradford County; south by Union, and west by Hamilton and Covington Townships. It has a population of
327, according to the census of 1880. The township produces excellent grass, oats, corn and potatoes, and the new land, wheat.
Tobacco has been raised to a limited extent. The township is well adapted to grazing, and the butter made on these highlands
is of the choicest kind and sweetest flavor.
The only post-office in the township is Chase's Mills. The inhabitants of
the southern portion are either accommodated with post-office facilities at Gleason, in Union
Township, or Canton, Bradford
County; while those on the east get their mail at Canton
or Alba, and those in the north and extreme west receive mail at Armenia,
Mainsburg, Fall Brook or Morris Run.
The market for the sale of farm products is good, every thing that is raised
upon the farm finding a ready sale at the mines at Fall Brook, or at Canton, Alba and Troy.
It is not known who was the first settler in the township of Ward. There are many traditions
in relation to it. It is certain, however, that a settlement was made many years ago on what is now known as the "Old Possessions,"
in the northern portion of the township; this was afterward abandoned, and Dr. Fellows had tenants upon the property, which
caused the name of Fellows Creek to be given to the stream, which heads in the vicinity and flows eastward into the Tioga
The McIntoshes, William, Simon and Matthias, and Harry Coovert settled in
what is now known as McIntosh Hollow, about the year 1837. After them came James Lyon, Andrew Kniffin, Erastus Kiff, William
R. Lyon, Daniel Hagar, Waterman Gates, - Joiners, John Purvis and Simon Conglin. The lands were very heavily timbered with
beech, maple, cherry, hemlock and a few scattering pines. The settlers were principally from the State of New
York, and a number from Delaware County of that State. They suffered great privations and hardships in establishing their
homes, and the tales which each could relate would fill a book.
There are now a number of very fine farms in the township. The estate of
C.L. Ward includes several thousand acres of coal and timbered lands in the township, which are not for sale in small quantities;
hence the limited population. There has been a marked improvement made within the last few years by those who do occupy lands
William R. Lyon was born in Kortright, Delaware County, New York, June 7th
1813, and was married November 8th 1836, to Miss Rachel Stouten, by whom he had children - Mellissa Adelaide, wife of David
Beardsley; William Stanley, Festus Watson, Victoria Emogene, Ruloff E. and Isabella. He located in McIntosh Holow in 1847.
There were then only five or six families in the township. Mr. Lyon afterward located lower down the stream, and in 1863 build
a sawmill and in 1865 a good framed house where he now resides. He has served three terms (15 years) as justice of the peace,
and for a long time was special agent for C.L. Ward. Mr. Lyon has always been an active and public spirited gentleman.
Erastus Kiff, one of the pioneers of Ward, was a native of Delaware County,
N.Y., as also was his wife, whose maiden name was Sarah Palmer. His children are: John; Harriet, wife of Israel Moore of Canton;
Ann Eliza, wife of Ambrose Murray, Troy, Pa.; Lucy, wife of
Daniel Cosper, Alba, Pa.; Charles, Horace H., and Helen, wife
of Warren Whitman of Michigan. Mr. Kiff settled in McIntosh
Hollow in 1839; he subsequently removed to Rathbone Creek, built a saw-mill and shingle-mill, cleared up a farm and raised
a highly respectable family. He was many years supervisor, justice of the peace, school director, etc. A few years ago, his
wife dying, he sold out and removed to Michigan.
Horace H. Kiff, son of Erastus and Sarah Kiff, was born in Bloomville, Delaware County, N.Y., February 17th 1837, and
removed with his parents to Ward township when he was about two years old. He was educated in the schools of Ward township,
and has been a resident of the township forty-three years. July 15th 1863 he was married to Olive Blakeman, daughter of A.
Blakeman, of Alba, Bradford County,
by whom he has had one child, Adell, who died in infancy. He early became acquainted with the practical workings of a saw-mill,
and for several years was in the employ of the Fall Brook Coal Company in the manufacture of lumber. He was also employed
two years in Morris Run as foreman in a mill. He now has sixty acres of land in Ward
Township near the scenes of his early childhood, with a good dwelling,
a barn, a fine orchard, etc.
John M. Kiff was born in Kortright,
Delaware County, N.Y., October 17th 1823, and came into Ward with his father
in 1839. He was married October 25th 1854 to Miss Susannah Bascomb, by whom he has seven children - Mettie; Jennie, wife of
Charles Green, of Armenia; Willie, Harrison, Frank, George, and Delos. He now resides on Rathbone Creek and owns ninety-six
acres of land. For over forty years he has been a resident of the township, and he was largely instrumental in its formation,
circulating a petition for the same. For about twenty years he was engaged in lumbering. He was one of the first supervisors
of the township. When he located in Ward there were no roads. Everything had to be brought on horseback from Troy
or Canton, and the first lumber market was reached by going over a mountain and down its steep
descent to Alba or Canton. Many settlers could not stand the
hardships ad moved away; but Mr. Kiff has remained and is very comfortably situated.
A.J. Teeter was born in Lansing, Tompkins County, N.Y., December 31st
1828, ad was brought up as a farmer. December 31st 1854 he was married to Miss Jane A. Brooks, of Springfield,
Pa., by whom he has three children, Marion L., wife of Henry Harkness, of Salamanca, N.Y., and two sons, C. Wellington, ad Chauncey
L. He settled in Ward twenty-seven years ago and purchased a wild lot from C. Rathbone, containing about seventy acres, forty-five
of which are improved, with a good frame dwelling ad barn, an orchard, and a shingle-mill.
Tracy O. Hillis was born in Chenango
County, N.Y., in 1827, and was educated in the common schools of that
State. At a suitable age he learned the cabinet maker's trade, and for several years after completing his apprenticeship he
followed the business. He was married in Jackson, Susquehanna
Township, Pa., in 1849, to Miss Christine Hill, daughter of Deacon
James D. Hill. In 1858 he bought eighty-seven acres of land, situated near the highest point in the county, in the township of Ward.
At the time of his purchase there was upon the lot a small log house, and a few acres of timber had been chopped down but
not cleared away. Mr. Hollis has since cleared up the farm and brought it under a high state of cultivation. He has a good
house and barn, and orchard, and at this very high altitude has a very productive farm; he has utilized a spring for the raising
of trout, German carp and other fish. Early in 1862 he enlisted as a private in the 12th Pennsylvania
calvary, and was soon promoted sergeant major. He was subsequently further promoted. On account of poor health he resigned;
but, recovering, enlisted in the 2nd Pennsylvania heavy
artillery and served until the close of the war. He was retained in the secret service until February 1866, in the department
of the Nottaway in Virginia. He has served a term as county
commissioner very acceptably, and is now serving his third term as justice of the peace.
The township was formed in February 1852, and taken from the townships of
Sullivan and Union. The borough of Fall Brook was taken from Ward in August 1864, and has
about one thousand inhabitants; so that within the original limits of the township there are now about fourteen hundred inhabitants.
The first election was held at the house of William R. Lyon. They are now
held at the house of W.L. Thomas.
The township officers for the year 1881 (the term ending with February 1882)
were: Supervisors, Stephen Seagur, Ferris P. Comfort; justices of the peace, Wallace Chase, T.O. Hollis; judge of election,
Myron Gregory; inspectors of election, R.E. Lyon, Henry Hill; town clerk, Wallace Chase; assessor, Darius Kniffin; auditors,
Charles Smith, Erastus Chapman and Alfred Furman; school directors. A.A. Griswold, Erastus Chapman, A. P. Coon, Wallace Chase,
Hugh Crawford, George Conley; township treasurer, Hezekiah Wilcox; constable, Anson Furman.
The present officers were elected February 21st 1882, the vote being as follows,
according to the Wellsboro Agitator:
Supervisors--A.P. Coon, 36; E. Larcum, 26; John Kiff, 12; Mayhue Horton,
5; John L. Thomas, 3. Constable--Anson Furman, 38. School directors--A.S. Gray, 39; Hugh Crawford, 28. Assessor--William R.
Lyon, 8; H. Kiff, 16; Stephen Seagur, 19. Assistant assessors--William R. Lyon, 24; Stephen Seagur, 17; H. Kiff, 18; L.S.
Kniffin, 8. Treasurer--H.R. Wilcox, 37. Town clerk--Henry Wilcox, 38. Judge of election--James Kniffin, 21; M.E. Gregory,
21; A.J. Teeter, 1. Inspectors--L.S. Kniffin, 10; A.P. Gray, 23; R.P. Kiff, 9. Auditor, D.M. Evans, 30.
The first school-house was erected in what is known as McIntosh Hollow, and
was made of logs. Among the first teachers in the township were Mary Welsh, Susan Bascomb, Electa Lyon, Elizabeth Coovert,
Eliza Ann Taber, Mary Denmark, Adelia Denmark
and Mettie Kiff. Miss Mettie Kiff taught ten terms, and is now engaged in Fall Brook. The present teachers are Daniel Preston
Jr., Miss Hattie Conley and Miss Laura Breese. The first schools were taught in private houses. Miss Susannah Bascomb taught
the first school in a framed house built for school purposes. There are four sub school districts in the township, viz., McIntosh,
No. 1; Seagur District, No. 2; Lyons District, No. 3; and Horton District, No. 4.
Rev. John Spaulding was the first clergyman who preached in the township;
then came Rev. Messsrs. Sweet, Hyatt and Lester, and others have from time to time ministered here. There being no churches,
services were held at private houses or in school-houses.
Application has been made to the court of common pleas of Tioga County for a charter for the First Methodist
Episcopal Church of Ward. Rev. D.W. Smith of Canton now officiates
at the Red school-house. W.R. Lyon is class leader, and P.C. Brooks steward. A Sunday-school is also held in the school-house,
with Charles Smith superintendent. There are about twenty scholars in attendance.
A Baptist church was organized in the winter of 1879-80, composed chiefly
of members who formerly belonged to the Baptist Church
at Canton. Since its organization quite an addition has been
made to its membership. No church edifice has as yet been erected. Services are held ever alternate Sunday by Rev. Mr. Crowell,
of Alba. There are between forty and fifty members. The deacons are James D. Hill and Tracy O. Hollis; clerk, V.A. Manville.
There are three unincorporated graveyards in the township--one in McIntosh
Hollow, one at Kniffin's and one at the Red school-house.
A lodge of grangers was instituted about four years ago, which for a time
was quite prosperous. Among the prominent members were George Beardsley, William R. Lyon, R.E. Lyon and Wallace Chase.
The first and only hotel in the township was erected in 1864, by a Mr. Peet;
it was afterward kept by Myron Nichols and later by W.L. Thomas.
The first saw-mill in the township was erected by Mr. Wood, about the year
1845; the next by William McIntosh. Erastus Kiff built the next, and in 1863 W.R. Lyon built one, which for several years
has been owned by Wallace Chase, and is now known as Chase's Mill. There are now three in the township, owned by Hugh Crawford,
Charles Rathbone and Wallace Chase, with two shingle-mills; Andrew J. Teeter owns one of the latter.
the Rebellion Fall Brook and the township of Ward, with 148 votes, furnished either by commutation, as volunteers, or as substitutes
366 men for the Union armies.