Epworth League Records of Ward
Methodist Church
1st Year August 29, 1897 Elections
Mrs. Bertha Teeter President
Mrs. Mary Brooks V.
Mr. Lafay Smith
September 2, 1898
Business meeting held at home of C.L. Smith.
Roll call, 18 members present.
C.L. Smith & W.C. Hill appointed committee to purchase a clock for the church. Cost to be $2.70.
Bertha Teeter & Etta Becker appointed com. to purchase frame for our League Charter.
Pledge cards returned.
Change of time for Sunday evening meetings from 8 o’clock to half past seven.
Amt. in treasury at end of year $9.23. Amt. expended $4.40 - $1.05 for League supplies, Charter, Topic cards,
leaflets, etc. $3.35 clothing for the Johnson family whose house was burned.
Election of officers for the coming year before the meeting. The following elected by ballot:
Daniel Segur President
Etta Becker V. President
Henry Breese 2nd Vice President
May Breese 3rd Vice President
Lafay Smith 4th Vice President
Bertha Teeter Secretary
Belle Hill Treasurer
Meeting closed with a 5¢
Nov. 1st, 1898
Business meeting held
at the home of D.T. Segur.
Our new member received,
Gertrude Hill. The time of the Sunday evening meetings was changed from 7:30 o’clock to 7:00 P.M.
W.C. Hill appointed
to get a supply of oil for lamps.
Lunch served.
Dec. 2nd, 1898
Business meeting held
at the home of V.C. Brooks.
Meeting called to order
by Pres.
Members present –
Motion made and carried
that the League purchase two lamps for the church organ. Mrs. H.W. Bresese appointed to purchase them.
Motion made and carried
that a basket social be held at the residence of D.L. Segur Dec. 9, ’98 for benefit of League.
Meeting cloed by serving
lunch at 5 cents each. Amt. fifty cents.
Jan. 13th, 1899
League Business meeting
held at home of C.W. Teeter.
Meeting called to order
by Pres. D.L. Segur.
Mrs. H.W. Breese given
an order of 80¢ in treasurer for organ lamps. Order of 20¢ for 25 extra copies of Epworth Herald Temperance for free distribution
in our neighborhood.
One new subscriber
for the Herald Mrs. Frank Kiff 1 yr.
Meeting closed with
lunch served.
March 10th, 1899
Epworth League Business
meeting met at house of W.C. Hill.
Meeting opened in regular
order. Report made by treas. Showing a balance of $7.00 in treasury.
Motion made and carried
that money be taken from the treasury with which to have a yearly subscription of “Epworth Herald” sent to each
of three families who are unable to pay for the paper. A decision made that the business meeting be held the last Friday evening
in each month nearest the full moon.
Two new names brought
before the League for memberships – Arthur Woodward and Royal Leonard.
Voted upon and admitted
as active members.
Lunch served –
meeting closed.
May 2, 1899
League Business meeting
met at the house of D.L. Segur.
Meeting opened with
scripture reading and prayer.
Roll call. 18 members
Names of three new
member brought before the meeting for admission to the League – Mrs. Ada Segur, Mrs. Lizzie Chapman, and Mr. James Chapman.
Each admitted according to By Laws of League.
Motion made and carried
that we send for 25 copies of the “Anniversary Program” Cost 30¢ and that we celebrate this anniversary at the
given date.
Motion made and carried
that funds be taken from the treasury for the purchase of five singing books – amt. $1.00 to be sold to individuals
if any desired a book.
Motion made and carried
that we loan 90¢ to the young people who sent for dialogue books to prepare for a play to be given in the church.
Order of 30¢ given
to D.L. Segur (for programs). Also order of 40¢ to be sent to the League Convention at Mansfield
by order of District Treasurer.
Nomination made a for
delegates of out League to attend the Elmira District Convention held at Mansfield
May 18th and 19th.
The following names
chosen: Daniel Segur, Bertha Teeter, Henry Breese, Lafay Smith and Bessie Burlingame.
Meeting closed as usual
with lunch. Amt. of lunch col. $.50.
May 26, 1899
League business meeting
met at the home of W.C. Hill.
Special meeting of
cabinet before business began. Decided that each officer choose a committee of three persons to act in the special work of
each department.
1st Vice
Pres. Bessie Burlingame, Ada Segur, Lizzie Chapman
2nd V. Pres.
James Boyd, Gertrude Hill, and Mary Gray
3rd V. Pres.
(Not Present)
4th V. Pres.
Dean Brooks, Edna Hill,
Sec’t. Famie
Treas. Mrs. C.L. Smith
Report of the Mansfield Convention given by D.L. Segur (delegate).
Meeting closed with
July 21, 1899
Business meeting held
at the home of Peter Boyd.
Called to order by
President. Sec’t. absent. Mention made of the chairs which were proposed at the last meeting. The chairs could be purchased
for $7 to $12. The motion was made and carried that the chair business be dropped for the present.
Motion made and carried
that there be a picnic two weeks from next Sat. Aug 12.
League Sunday School
Lafay Smith and James
Boyd were appointed committee fro arranging the grounds and are to call on as many for help as they choose.
Belle Hill and Bessie
Burlingame appointed table committee with the privilege of
calling on others.
Closed by singing.
Lunch served.
August 24, 1899
Business meeting held
at the church in the evening.
Meeting opened with
prayer and song.
Nominations made and
voted upon for new officers of the coming year. Voted by ballot:
Pres. D.T. Segur
1 Vice Pres. Mrs. Belle Hill
2nd Vice
Pres. Miss Gertrude Hill
3rd Vice
Pres. Miss Mary Gray
4th Vice
Pres. Miss Edna Hill
Secretary Mrs. Bertha Teeter
Treasurer Mrs. Marcella Smith
Jan. 13, 1899
League business meeting
held at the home of C.W. Teeter (evening)
Meeting called to order
by Pres. D.T. Segur. Opened by prayer and song. Motion made and carried that
Eliza Breese by given an order of $.80 from League funds to purchase 2 lamps for the church organ.
Pledge cards returned.
Motion made and carried that the League order 20 extra copies of the Herald Temperance for free distribution.
Mrs. Frank Kiff signed
for the Herald on yr.
Meeting closed with
Jan. 19, 1900
League meeting held
at the church Friday evening.
Opened by prayer followed
by singing. Motion made and carried that $1.60 be taken from Treasury fro 2 subscriptions for the E. Herald to pay for past
yr. and the money to be returned to treasury when paid I in by the subscribers, Mrs. Burlingame and Mrs. Kiff.
Mrs. Kiff paid before
the amt. was sent.
Some Subscribers ordered
the Herald discontinued.
Meeting closed with
Aug. 24, 1900
Business neeting held
in the church Friday evening.
Meeting opened by prayer
and song.
Nominations made and
voted upon by ballot, for new officers of the coming year.
Pres. D.T. Segur
1st Vice
Pres. Harmon Breese
2nd Vice
Pres. Lafay Smith
3rd Vice
Pres. Henry Breese
4th Vice
Pres. Mary Boyd
Secretary Lydia
Treasurer C.L. Smith
May 4, 1901
Meeting held at church
in the evening.
Opened by prayer and
Motion made and carried
that 38 cents be drawn from the treasury for payment of the apportionment of the Epworth L. Convention.
Motion made and carried
that Mrs. Ettie Becker and Miss Euphemia Boyd be chosen as delegates to attend the convention.
Motion made and carried
that a meeting be held May 7, for the purpose of taking in new members.
August 24, 1901
Business meeting held
in the church.
Meeting opened by scripture
reading, prayer, and song.
Six new members were
taken into the League in due form. Name,y Mr. Eugene Segur, the Misses Nettie Boyd, Goldie Breese, Sarah Burlingame, and Leon
and Archie Segur.
Nominations made and
voted upon by ballot for new officers for the coming year.
Following were elected:
Pres. Miss Euphemia Boyd
1 Vice Pres. Mrs. Ettie Becker
2nd Vice Pres. Miss Lydia Smith
3rd Vice
Pres. Mr. Henry Breese
4th Vice
Pres. Mrs. Bertha Teeter
Sec. Mr. Daniel
Tres. Mr. Eugene Segur
Moved nad carried that
dues to the amount of 5 cts. Per quarter be paid from present date.
Feb. 23, 1913
Epworth League reorganized
by Rev. W.G. Hull.
Officers elected:
James Boyd
1st Vice
Pres. Edna Wilcox
2nd Vice
Pres. Mrs. W. Hill
3rd Vice
Pres. Mrs. Chas. Hill
4th Vice
Pres. Miss Euphemia Boyd
Secretary Ada Hill
Tresurer Mrs. H.W. Breese
March 2, 1913
The cabinet meet at
the church to take in new members.
There was a unanimous
vote that the new members be taken in as active and associate members.
It was decided that
a collection should be taken up every meeting for the benefit of the League.
It was decided to have
the meeting at 7:30 on Sunday evenings.
Sept. 8, 1913
League cabinet met
at the home of Mrs. W.C. Hill.
Was opened by the president
James Boyd.
Motion made and carried
that the league should pay for the oil for the church.
Four new members were
taken into the league in due form.
The motion was made
and carried that we should have a league social.
For League 1913
$37.45 was taken in
Paid Out
Paid to Mr. Williams
for shingles
Paid to Mr. Hull for
Bible (Nov. 29, 1913)
$ 3.75
Paid to Mr. Hull for clock (Dec. 13, 1913)
$ .75
Paid to Mrs. Wilcox
for oil and cards (Nov. 29, 1913)
$ .95
Paid to James Boyd
for money paid to John Smith for work on shed (Jan. 10, 1914)$ .50
$36.95 paid out
$2.17 in the treasury
when the league was organized