Minutes of Ward Church Old Home
August 13-14, 1932
The Ward M.E. church held its third yearly Old Home Days at the church grounds Saturday and Sunday. It was
thought first to have an election of officers. None had ever been elected for the three previous meetings, only committees
The following were elected by those present at the close of the Sunday afternoon service:
Gertrude Hill
H. Teeter
Bertha Teeter
Nettie Segur
Voted and carried that the year 1934 be Saturday and Sunday full days.
August 13-14, 1933
The Ward M.E. church held its annual Old Home Days at the church grounds August 13-14, 1933. Saturday and
Sunday. Saturday forenoon was spent preparing ice-cream for sale.
The church furnished free lemonade and the ice-cream was donated by different church members. Tables were
prepared for dinner and well laden with tempting food. There was the greeting of friends as they arrived. Soon a large crowd
had gathered. Everyone seemingly enjoying the day .In the afternoon, a ball game between the home team and Union team was
on at the ball ground. The musical “Old Timers” (four of them) (Woodhulls), and of radio fame from Elmira, gave us stringed music both old and new for a couple of hours
in the afternoon which was much enjoyed by the people. There were songs and music within the church by anyone who cared to
join in. Mr. Fletcher played his accordion and sang songs. There were speeches and recitations.
A large attendance of people who once were living on the mountain and attended church and Sunday School at
the little white church.
The cream was made by the following persons at $1.00 per gallon:
Earl Hill 1 ½ gallons $2.50
Leon Segur 2 gallons $2.00
Mabel Machmer 1 gallon $1.00
Mr. Grantier
1 gallon
Euphemia Hill 1 gallon
Cost of Cream
Cost of Music
$12.00 “Old Timers”
- 6.00 given by one person L.H. Teeter
$ 6.00
1.21 – sugar , lemons
.68 - gum
1.40 - cones
$ 9.29
+ 7.50
- cost of cream
$16.79 Total
Sale of Cream and gum $17.79
- 16.79
$ 9.70 net
Sunday services were prepared by our pastor Rev. Albert Trickett. At 11:30 a.m. song service followed by a
sermon from our pastor. Church was well filled by an attentive audience.
Dinner at 1 o’clock at the tables under the trees. At 2 o’clock p.m. our District Supt. Rev. Hepplewaite
preached for us from this text, “But He Himself went unto the desert a days journey.” A grand sermon given to
a crowded church. There were more people on the grounds Sunday than Saturday. To all appearances every one present enjoyed
both days. The weather was fine. At the close there was the election of officers for the year 1934:
How. L.H. Teeter
Vice Pres.
Mrs. Earl Hill
Mrs. Bertha Teeter
Mrs. Leon Segur
Bertha Teeter, Sec’t.
August 13-14, 1934
The Ward M.E church held its regular yearly “Old Home Days” meeting on Sat. and Sunday, August
13-14, 1934.
Sat a.m. was spent in arranging tables for dinner under the trees. Making lemonade which was furnished free
by the church. Had sale of ice-cream, gum, and candy for benefit of church fund. As people arrived there was the greeting
of friends, relatives and strangers until the noon hour when a large crowd had arrived. The tables were well laden with tempting
food which all seemed to enjoy. The p.m. was spent in visiting and games. Song service within the church. The only regular
program freature was a ball game between the localities and the old timers. The resulting score was not as bad as predicted
and expected. Sunday services were held a.m. and p.m. Services began at 10:45 a.m. with a song service followed by a sermon
by our pastor Rev. Trickett. Hymns sung and played by Mr. Fletcher on accordion. Songs by children of Mr. and Mrs. Harmon
Woodward. The services were well attended with good attention until the noon hour. Tables were arranged for a picnic dinner
under the trees. A large number of people present. The p.m. services were held under the trees. The organ was brought from
the church and played by Miss Lois Teeter. Song service by the congregation. Sermon by Rev. E.E. VanDyke of Oakwood Ave., Elmira
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Segur and Mr. and Mrs. Tory Segur sang the “Old Rugged Cross”. The Oakwood Ave. male quartette consisting of Rev. VanDyke, Rev. Trowbridge,
Mr. Evans and Mr. Ivan Soper.
The p.m. services seemed much appreciated by all listeners. The day seemed well spent. Our president L.H.
Teeter called a meeting within the church for the election of officers for 1935. On a motion duly made and carried the following
officers for the ensuing year were elected:
Henry Breese
Vice Pres.
Lynn Kniffin
Flora Teeter
Euphemia Hill
A motion was duly made and seconded & carried that future meetings of the association would be held yearly
on the first Saturday and Sunday after the 10th of August.
A discussion followed as to ways and means of raising money for the purpose of making repairs to the church.
The following subscriptions were made by those present:
Mrs. Mary Robertson
Mr. and Mrs. Claude McKerrick
Mrs. Taber
Ernest Segur
Tory Segur
Mrs. Cease
Thomas Keltz
Albert Segur
Willard Cease
C.B. Wilcox
Est. of C.L. Smith
Miss Burs
Rev. Albert Trickett
Mr. and Mrs. Waters
All said subscriptions paid in cash except one. Business finished meeting adjourned.
Bertha Teeter, Sec’t.
August 17-18, 1935
The Ward Methodist Episcopal Church held its sixth annual Home Coming August 17 & 18 on the church grounds.
The a.m. was given over to sports, music, and songs followed by a picnic dinner.
In the p.m. music was furnished by C.B. Wilcox, Lawrence
Boyd, Clarence Wilcox Jr. also Harmon Woodward and children.
Program in church: the following taking
Rec. – Dorothy Segur
Rec. – Rose Brown
Rec. - Jean Machmer
Rec. – Marlea Rice
Song – Lawrence Boyd & Harold Story
Play – Bill Perkins, Proposing Day
Hill, Katherine Machmer, Nellie Brown, Lawrence Machmer
Reading – Mrs. Lillian Taber
Rec. – Euphemia Hill
Rec. – Mrs. Verna Tebo
Ball game between Ward and Liberty. Ice Cream
was sold by committee appointed for same. Also candy for benefit of church. Proceeds $4.00
Sunday services a.m. & p.m. Rev. R.C. Hebblethwaite DD District Superintendent of Elmira District preached
Rev. E.E. VanDyke of Oakwood Ave.,
Elmira Heights
preached in p.m.
Singing by Segur quartette. Also Oakwood Avenue Elmira Heights
male quartette consisting of E.E. VanDyke, Robert Jennings, Ivan Soper, and Harold Fritsch.
Business meeting Sat. p.m. Motion was made seconded and carried that the business meeting be held Saturday
p.m. Motion made and seconded and carried that we send Mrs. Flora Teeter a card of thanks for services rendered.
Motion made, seconded and carried that we thank the officers of 1935 for their services.
Officers elected for the ensuing year:
Mrs. Euphemia Hill
Vice President
Thomas Kelce
Mrs. Gertrude Hill
Mrs. Bella Hill
One hundred forty eight (148) persons were present Sat. and three hundred and forty-eight (348) Sunday. Received
from Mrs. Frank Welch $1.00 for church repairs.
Euphemia Hill, Acting
August 15-16, 1936
The annual Home Coming of the Ward Methodist Episcopal church was held on the church grounds August 15-16.
On Saturday a picnic lunch was enjoyed at noon after which a program was given in the church.
Recitations were given by Marleah Rice, Dorothy Segur, Rose Brown, and Marian Hill.
Mrs. Belle Hill gave a reading “The Old Hymns” and Mrs. Burt Owens, a reading “Home”.
A duet was sung by Eloise Segur and Aileen Boyd and a duet by Florence
Segur and Marian Hill. Doris Porter and Robert Barrow gave a saxophone and cornet duet. Then Mr. Clarence Wilcox and L.E.
Kniffin entertained with music. After the program a business meeting was called by the President Euphemia Hill.
The minutes of last meeting were read and approved. A motion was made, seconded, and carried that we reelect
the old officers for the ensuing year.
Euphemia Hill
Vice Pres. Tom Kelce
Gertrude Hill
Belle Hill
The meeting then adjourned.
On Sunday morning the Rev. A.C. Hebblethwaite D.D. District Supt. Of Elmira District preached to a full house.
A solo was given by Miss Lois Teeter of Elmira. At noon we
had a picnic lunch under the trees after which we had an outdoor service with the Rev. E.D. VanDyke of Elmira Heights for the speaker. A double quartette
from Elmira Heights sang also the Segur
quartette from Elmira. A solo was given by Mr. Fletcher of
Gertrude Hill, Sec’t.
August 14-15, 1937
The annual Home Coming of Ward Episcopal Church was held on the church grounds August 14th and
A picnic lunch was enjoyed at noon. In the afternoon we gathered in the church and sang, then Mrs. Belle Hill
gave “My Memories of Old Ministers of Ward Church”.
Mrs. Clarence Wilcox gave a reading “Somebody’s Mother.”
A business meeting was then presided over by the President, Mrs. Euphemia Hill. The report of the nominating
committee was then presented by Rev. Trickett. The names presented were as follows:
Earl Hill
Vice Pres.
Lowell H. Teeter
Lois Teeter
Mrs. Belle Hill
A motion was made, seconded and carried that they be elected. Adjourned.
On Sunday, (August 15th) morning, Rev. R.C. Hebblethwaite, D.D. District Superintendent of Elmira
District, preached. A solo was given by Miss Lois Teeter of Elmira.
After church all had lunch under the trees and in the afternoon we gathered under the trees for a service.
The Rev. Elroy D VanDyke of Elmira Heights
brought us the message and music was furnished by the quartette of Elmira
Heights. A large crowd attended both days.
Gertrude Hill, Sec’t.
It merits mention that visitors from Huntington Beach , California, were here for Old Home Days (1937), Mr.
and Mrs. Carl Hill, Carl being a brother of Earl and Edith his wife a sister of Gertrude Hill. We do not wish them ill luck
or adversities but hope they can come back “for keeps” some day.
August 13-14, 1938
The annual Home Coming Days of the Ward Methodist Episcopal Church for the year 1938 were held August 13th
and 14th.
Saturday forenoon, august 13th, preparations were made for selling ice-cream, pop, candy, etc.
There were but few present for the noon hour picnic.
Out-of-door games and sports were enjoyed during the afternoon . A song service was held inside the church.
The crowd was pcomposed mostly of young people. The day was especially beautiful and all seemed to enjoy it.
Dawned Sunday, the 14th of August, a typical August day. Muggy, hazy, warm, and lazy, but not threatening
storms. At eleven o’clock a.m. the morning service was conducted by Rev. L.A. Guiles. Miss Maude Benedict sang a solo.
The sermon, excellent as always, was delivered by Rev. R.C. Hebblethwaite, our District Superintendent. The church was filled
and many congregated outside. After the close of the morning service at noon, the crowd assembled at the tabled under the
trees for a picnic dinner.
Instead of the informal religious service unusually held at two o’clock in the afternoon on Sunday,
a program of varied entertainment was given consisting of an orchestra composed of Canton boys conducted by Scott Griswold,
a son of Nettie Griswold (formerly Nettie Wilcox, who attended this church when a child), a quartet composed of the Segur
brothers; stringed instrument music by the Wilkinsons (grandchildren and relatives of Charles L. Smith)and another group of
stringed instruments selections by Harmon Woodward and others. Harmonica solos by Edsel Fletcher, speeches and various other
entertainment. The secretary did not have a copy of the program and did not know the names of all the people participating
in the entertainment. Many of the people enjoyed themselves by visiting. The president, Earl Hill, presided over the program.
A Chinese minister from China
attended the morning service and gave the scripture reading.
A business meeting was called to order around 4 o’clock in the afternoon by the president, Rev. L.A.
Guiles acting as chairman. The minutes of the meeting for the year 1937 were read by the secretary and approved.
At the suggestion of Lloyd R. Kniffin, and the approval of the Rev. L.A. Guiles it was voted to use the afternoon
collection of $17.50 for repairs to the church and church property.
The following officers were elected for the year 1939:
Earl Hill
Vice President
Lowell Teeter
Lena Bell
Lloyd R. Kniffin
Meeting adjourned until another year. Came eventide – and the people departed.
In passing, on behalf of Old Home Days, may I quote these lines by famed Russell Lowell:
“I love the rites of England’s
love to hear and see
The priest and people reading slow
solemn litany.
I love to hear the glorious swell
chanted psalms and prayer,
And the deep organ’s bursting heart,
through the shivering air
Chants, that a thousand years have heard,
love to hear again.
For visions of the olden time
wakened by the strain.”
Lois M. Teeter, Secretary
August 19-20, 1939
Old Home Coming at Ward was held Aug. 19 and 20, 1939.
Sat. p.m. a very few people were here. Not more than six or seven were present.
Sun. a.m.: The services were held in the church. The address was given by the presiding Elder of the Elmira
District – R.C. Hebblethwaite. Solo – Miss Teeter – “It was for Me.”
He took his reference from the 5th of Matt. – Theme – One thought, “If the small
church and preacher do not create an atmosphere to kill evil then he is not Big enough for his Job.”
Closing song – Faith of Our Father’s Holy Faith
After the dinner hour was over we gathered under the trees for afternoon meeting.
Several selections by the Canton Band were
rendered under the leadership of Prof. Lloyd and Scot Griswold. Three hymns were sung in unison. Mr. Harvey played three selections
on a guitar; namely: 1./ He Knows the Way that Leads to Glory. 2./My Little Mountain Home; III. An Old Rocking Chair. Mr.
Ross Beres, a teacher in the Segur School
about 50 years ago gave a very interesting talk. The Wilkinsons gave two accordion selections. A song by the Wilkinson children
– Speak My Lord. An accordion selection was given by Mr. Fletcher. A duet Mr. Fletcher and his daughter. Have you counted
the cost? A solo – When I take My Vacation in Heaven b Mr. Fletcher.
A solo by Master Wilkinson – “School Days”
The following were elected for 1940:
Henry Breese
Vice President
Lynn Kniffin
Arthur Hill
Lloyd Kniffin
Motion made and carried that Old Home Coming be held the 3rd Sunday in Aug 1940. Treasurer’s
To Case and Sons lumber $10.45
Crawford Bro.
Sentinel printing
Bal. 1938
Collection 1939
Bills paid
- 19.63
Bal. on hand
A few of us gathers in the church and heard a very interesting talk given by Lowell
Teeter on the “History of Ward Township.”
Sec’y. Mrs. Lynn Bell