Minutes of Ward Church Old Home
July 30, 1950
The annual Homecoming Day of Ward Church was held Sunday, July 30, 1950. The morning worship at 11 o’clock
was well attended. The opening service was conducted by the pastor, Rev. Lewis F. Bachman. Special music was provided by Mrs.
Charles Palmer, who sang, “Grateful O Lord Am I”, accompanied by Mrs. Theron McIlwain.
The sermon was delivered by the new District Superintendent of Elmira District, the Rev. Lester Schaff, who
gave a most inspiring address from the text, “Borrowed Property.”
After the measuring service, all assembled under the apple trees for a picnic dinner with Rev. and Mrs. Schaff
and family as guests. A sudden shower drove everyone into the church but the sun soon came out and all returned to finish
In the afternoon a short business session was held and the following officers were elected for the ensuing
year. Frances Segur, President, Marshall Boyd, Vice President, Eloise Palmer, Secretary and Euphemia Hill Treasurer.
The meeting was then turned over to Rev. Bachman who led in the singing of old familiar songs followed by
prayer and the offering. Then the following program was given:
A duet by Shelva & Bonnie Palmer
Rev. Bachman asked for remarks by any one about their memories of the olden days and the following responded.
Mrs. Minnie DeVinney, Mrs. Lydia Wilson, Mrs. Mary Burlingame, Mrs.Goldie Waters
and Mrs. Ettie Becker. They recalled ox teams, the first autos and many events of the early days. Next was a recitation by
Shelva Palmer “Mother’s Little Helper” and a recitation by Bonnie Palmer, “A Short Speech.”
A trio composed of Mrs. Charles Palmer, Mrs. Jack Williams and Rev. Bachman then sang “How Sweet to Walk With Jesus”
accompanied by Mrs.Theron McIlwain. Then Rev. Bachman gave a short talk on, ”God Be With You Till We Meet Again.”
Much time was spent in visiting with old friends and all left with the hope of meeting again next year.
$ 4.85 cards
Rev. Faust
$64.08 in treas.
Morning collection $30.00
Afternoon collection $18.97
Carrie Kniffin and John Kniffin passed on during the year, and Art Woodward.
Gertrude Hill, sec
July 29, 1951
The annual Homecoming Day of Ward Church was held Sunday, July 29, 1951.
The morning worship at 11 o’clock was well attended. The pastor, Rev. Lewis Bachman, opened the service
by singing “His Eye is on the Sparrow.” Rev. Bachman then delivered an excellent sermon entitled “So Great
a Cloud of Wittnesses.”
After the morning service, all assembled under the apple trees for a picnic dinner. The skies were cloudy
until later on in the afternoon the sun came out.
In the afternoon, a short business session was held and the following officers were elected for the ensuing
year. Walter Hill, President, Delos Williams, Vice President, Mrs.Harriet Williams, Secretary
and Mrs. Euphemia Hill, Treasurer. The meeting then turned over to Rev. Bachman who led in the singing followed by prayer
and collection. Then the following program was given. Duet “My Dream of Love” and “Days of Long Ago”
by Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Segur, two piano selections by Shelva Palmer, solo “The Lord is My Shepard” by Gerald Andrus,
poem “Learn to Smile” by Betty Boyd, solo “Sunny Song of Bells” by Bonita Palmer two piano selections
by Gloria Wilkins and the following original poem by Mrs. Harriette Williams.
The pastor called for remarks by the old timers and Mrs. Loren Selleck, who was ninety years old, gave a most
interesting speech. Mrs. Selleck was present at the dedication of the church in the 1880’s. Burt Kiff and Mrs. Bertha
Teeter also responded with a short speech. The congregation then song “God be with you til we meet again” and
the rest of the afternoon was spent in visiting with old friends.
Eloise Palmer, secy.
Florence McIlwain, protem
Deaths during past year:
Mr. Burt Kiff
Mrs. Robert Boyd, Sr.
23rd Annual – No Date Written
The 23rd annual homecoming at Ward
Methodist Church was well attended
by friends from near and far. The morning worship service was conducted by Dist. Supt. Rev. Lester Schaff, who used as his
topic “Where is Ward?” pointing out that everything must have a place of beginning. He traced the church in Ward
back to those men & women who left homes and by faith settled a new community in which to live, but who did not forget
to establish a place of worship. Also spoke of those before them, who had even come from far countries & going farther
back be mentioned those who altho’ martyred for their faith, they held firmly & suffered even in death because they
had a faith which could not be shaken. He went farther back yet & spoke of the great teacher of Galilee
whose life was given that we might have life eternal. A duet “The Jordan
Road” was sung by Mrs. Dorothy Williams & Mrs. Chas. Palmer. At the close of this service
a fellowship hour was spent around the numerous tables in the shade of the beautiful old trees which surround the church where
different families & groups of friends joined in a picnic dinner.
At 2:30 the P.M. meeting convened with the Pastor Rev. Lewis Bachman leading in an old fashioned hymn sing
which was greatly enjoyed. A season of prayer was led by Mrs. Euphemia Hill followed by several other member. Rev. Bachman
then turned the meeting over to the Pres. Walter Hill who conducted the business meeting. After reading of last years minutes
it was moved & carried to accept to have the association pay a bill for repairs & tuning of the piano. Frances Segur,
chairman of nominating committee presented the following names as new officers & they were duly elected:
Arthur Hill
Vice Pres. Goldie Warters
Mrs. Euphemia Hill
Mrs. Eloise Palmer
Treas. Gave a report of a bal. in treasury of $91.86. Following the offering a program of music, readings,
& some reminiscences was enjoyed.
A duet by Ernest & Ivan Segur “Old Rugged Cross”
An original poem by Harriett Williams
Mr. R. Bears of Montoursville recalled the day he spent in Ward as a school teacher – 59 years (1891)
ago – saying he deemed it a privilege to educate the young, as he now enjoyed entertaining the older ones. He gave a
poem by Longfellow “The Day is Done” – followed by 3 humorous poems “The Boomerang” –
“The $5.00 Kiss” & “House Cleaning Time” – His keen mind & rich humor is greatly enjoyed
& looked forward to each year.
Solo by little Bonita Palmer
Ernest & Ivan Segur sang “I Come to the Garden”
Donald Stevens gave an invitation to Fall Brook Reunion & recited “If
You Go First” –
The program ended by the singing of “Blest Be the Tie” & “God Be With You” followed
by benediction by Rev. Bachman. After a short time of visiting, a grand day of fellowship closed & friends left for their
various homes to meet again in one year.
Harriet Williams, Sect’y.
July 26, 1953
It was a beautiful day for the twenty-fourth annual homecoming at Ward. The church was filled for the eleven
o’clock worship service. The Rev. Lewis Bachman, pastor of the church, brought the message using as his text the letter
of Paul to the Ephesians, first chapter 15 to 23 verses and sixth chapter 10 to 20 verses.
He pointed out that no Christian soldier is ready to march until he is ready to stand and make use of the
armor given him. These works were written by a Christian soldier who had been captured by the enemy. Paul wrote this letter
while chained in prison to Christians under great trials and persecutions. He told the people how to first stand then march.
Rev. Bachman said the Christian gospel is the only answer to the time of today. Our loyalty is to things and
not to God. If we are going to be Christians worthy of the name, we will have to make use of the armor given us, the spiritual
Mrs. Charles Palmer sang “I Walked Today Where Jesus Walked” accompanied by Mrs. Jack Williams.
At the close of the service Mrs. Hall presented the church with a beautiful oil painting of Christ, which
she painted, in memory of the family of Levi S. Kniffin.
After the benediction, everyone enjoyed a bountiful dinner beneath the trees. At 2:15 P.M. the business meeting
convened with Rev. Bachman leading the song service singing several of the old hymns. Mr. Trickett, who came to this church
twenty-two years ago and stayed six years, led us in prayer.
Walter Hill presided at the business meeting in the absence of Arthur Hill who is a patient in the hospital.
Reading of the minutes by the secretary. The nominating committee presented the following names for next year
and they were elected:
Arthur Hill – Pres.
Lawrence Machmer – Vice-Pres.
Florence McIlwain – Secy.
Euphemia Hill – Treas.
The treasurer reported a balance on hand of $111.97 after all bills were paid for last year.
Walter Hill mentioned the devil sitting in the corner at the front of the church causing it to settle and
this will have to be repaired. After the offering, Shelva Palmer played variations of “Onward Christian Soldiers”.
Earnest Grantier’s mother-in-law from Mississippi
made a few remarks. Then many of the people who spent their early life in the hils of Ward spoke a few words. These included
Ettie Becker, Zella Wilkins, Lydia
Wilkins, and Bertha Teeter. Gloria Wilkins sang “Ring the Bells of Heaven.” Mr. Trickett gave a short talk about
some of the people that are now gone. He said we need not worry about the continuance or the church that God will take care
of that. He first preached here thirty-six years ago when he was pastor at East Canton. Ernest
Grantier Jr. sang “Climb, Climb Up Sunshine Mountain”. Eloise Palmer read a poem written by Harriett Williams and Mrs. Williams
said a few words. Eloise Palmer and Mr. Bachman sang “If Christ Should Come.” Frank Kohler requested the Segur
boys sing and Tory, Ivan and Earnest sang “I’ll So Where You Want Me To Go” and “Will There Be Any
Stars in My Crown.” A few well chosen words were said by Earnest Grantier, Jr. which was the highlight of the program.
The meeting ended by everyone joining in “God Be With You till We Meet Again”, then the benediction.
After a time of visiting the day ended looking forward to the last Sunday of July next year.
Deaths during year – Goldie Breese Warters
Eloise Palmer, secy.
July 25, 1954
The 25th annual Home Coming Day of Ward church was held Sunday, July 25, 1954.
The morning worship at 11 o’clock was well attended. The pastor, Rev. Paul Fattaruso delivered an excellent
sermon entitled “Be Thankful Unto the Lord.”
After the morning service, all assembled under the apple trees for a picnic dinner.
In the afternoon a short business session was held. Frances Segur, acting as chairman, remarked about the
newly decorated church and thanked those who donated their time and work. He especially mentioned Mark and Delos
Williams, Earl Hill and Mrs. Lynn Kniffin.
All were pleased to note buy the treasurer’s report that all the bills were paid for labor and supplies
for the church.
The following officers were elected for the coming year:
Frances Segur – President
Walter Hill – Vice President
Betty Boyd Secretary
Euphemia Hill – Treasurer
A note was read telling of the fall suffered by Mrs. Bertha Teeter in her home at Elmira, Friday night, fracturing her hip.
Group singing was enjoyed, also remarks by Mrs. Bessie Coons and Earnest Grantier’s mother-in-law from
The following program was presented:
Accordion selections – Jesus is Calling , Jesus I Come and Near the Cross – Dale Machmer
Duet – Beyond the Sunset – David and Dorothy Warren
Piano Solo – Beautiful Dreamer – Gerald Boyd
Recitation – The Good World – Shleva Palmer
Duet – We Bring Cheer – Bonnie Palmer and Linda Williams
Electric Hawaiian Guitar – It Is No Secret and May the Good Lord Bless and Keep You – The Rev.
Paul Fattaruso accompanied by Mrs. Jack Williams
Reading – Friendship – Betty Boyd
Duet – Tell Me the Story of Jesus – Shelva Palmer & Gerald Andrus
Recitation – Boomerang – Kenneth Nickeson
Song – If Your Heart Keeps Right – Earnest Grantier, Jr.
Song – The Old Rugged Cross – Eleanor Smith
The Rev. Fattaruso dismissed the group with the benediction. After a short time of visiting with old friends,
some from as far away as California, all left for their
various homes looking forward to another year.
Florence McIlwain, Secretary
July 31, 1955
The 26th annual Homecoming was held Sunday, July 31, 1955, at the Ward Methodist Church
with more than 100 in attendance.
The church was filled for the morning worship service when our former pastor, the Rev. Lewis F. Bachman of
Manlius, NY delivered the sermon on “The Mission of the Church” taking his scripture reading from Paul’s
Letter to the Ephesians. He said that the church on the hilltop was started in a school house in 1862 and pointed out how
the faith of the founding fathers has gone out to many distant places through the influence of the church.
A lovely solo, “I Walked in the Garden” was sung by Mrs. Charles Palmer, accompanied at the piano
by her daughter Shelva. The beautiful old hymns and the colorful old-fashioned flowers added much to the service.
At noon, all assembled at the tables under the apple trees for a bounteous picnic dinner.
The afternoon program was opened by the singing of two old hymns “What a Friend We Have in Jesus”
and “Abide with Me”. Rev. Bachman sang “His Eye is on the Sparrow” with Mrs. Jack Williams at the
piano. This was followed by a lovely duet “My Pennsylvania
Home” sung by Mrs. Clayton Platt and Mrs. David Warren. The words to this song were written by the late Henry Breese,
a native of Ward Township and a former resident
of Canton. Solo “Open Up Your Heart” was sung
by Kathy Warren.
Mrs. Marshall Boyd read an appropriate poem, “Country
Church”, after which a duet, “Father, We Thank Thee”
was sung by Shelva Palmer and Jerry Andrus. Linda Williams sang “I Love Jesus”. This was followed by a reading
“Friendship” by Mrs. Lawrence Machmer. A solo “Living and Giving” by Bonnie Palmer was followed by
a duet “Abide with Me” by Mrs. Platt and Mrs. David Warren. The Rev. Paul Fattaruso, Pastor of our church, then
entertained with two musical numbers, “Sunrise”
and “It Is No Secret” on the electric Hawaiian guitar. Mrs. Jack Williams acted as piano accompanist for the vocal
and instrumental numbers.
Mrs. Cleora Bruce of Canton told something
of the early church and displayed a tuning fork used by her mother in leading the singing oat the church in the early days.
Attorney Lowell Teeter of Elmira
spoke briefly of the church history and told of his pleasure at being present, but expressed regret that his mother, a former
resident was unable to attend. After a few remarks by Frank Kohler, Rev. Fattaruso told of his recent visit to St. George’s Church in Philadelphia
where he saw the tuning fork which belonged to Frances Asbury, first Methodist Bishop in America. The Rev. Fattaruso closed the program with the benediction.
The following officers were elected for the coming year:
Pres. - Walter Hill
V. Pres.
- Earl Hill
Sect’. -Mrs. Jack Williams
Treas. - Mrs. Euphemia Hill
We were all happy to welcome back Rev. Bachman and his lovely family and happy to have our own Rev. Fattaruso
with us because at this time his wife Martha was recovering from a very serious operation at a Phila. Hospital
Deaths during the past year:
Ettie Becker.
Elizabeth Boyd Sect’.
July 29, 1956 – 27th Annual Ward Homecoming
The 27th Annual Ward Homecoming was held July 29, 1956 at the Ward Methodist Church.
The worship service began at 11 o’clock with the delivery of a fine sermon by the Rev. Wilma Barker
Hoose. A duet “Gracious Spirit Dwell with Me” was rendered by Mrs. Charles Palmer and Mrs.Clayton Platt.
After the service, many stayed through the noon hour for a bountiful picnic dinner under the trees.
At 2 o’clock the church was again filled for the business meeting and program. The meeting was opened
with the singing of favorite hymns by the congregation. The minutes by of the last meeting were read and approved. The treasurer
reported a balance of $25.16. The following officers were elected for the coming year:
President – Lowell Hill
Vice President – Lawrence Machmer
Secretary – Mrs. Lawrence Machmer
Treasurer – Mrs. Nettie Segur
The business meeting was closed and the following program was presented:
Recitation of the first 5 verses of the 24th Psalm - Jean Hill
A reading “The Methodist Hymnal and You” - Gertrude
Recitation “Folks and Me” - Bonnie Palmer
Piano Solo “The Breakers” - Linda Williams
Vocal Duet “My Task” - Mrs. Charles Palmer
and Mrs. Clayton Platt
Reading “Hymns We Love” - Florence McIlwain
Vocal Duet “Savior Like a Shephard Lead Us” -
Cleora Bruce and Florence McIlwain
Vocal Duet “Wonderful Peace”- Mr. Lloyd Wilkins
and Daughter
The program was closed by the congregation singing the hymn “Blest Be the Tie That Binds”
Dorothy Williams, Secretary
July 28, 1957
The 28th annual Old Home Coming was held Sunday, July 28, at Ward Methodist Church.
The morning worship service began at 11 o’clock with the District Supt. C. Philip Torrance delivering
a splendid sermon on “Time” to a good attendance.
Marjorie Keltz rendered a beautiful solo “The Lord is My Shepard” accompanied on the piano by
Shelva Palmer which added to the service.
More arrived from far and near as the day progresses and at noon all the picnic tables were filled for a bountiful
dinner under the apple trees and although the benches were damp, no one allowed it to dampen their spirits and about 1:30
the sun broke through.
At 2:00 all assembled again in the church for the business meeting and program. The meeting was opened by
the singing of four favorite hymns chosen by the congregation. The following officers were elected for the coming year:
President: Lawrence Machmer
Vice President: Francis Segur
Millie Machmer
Nettie Segur
The President Lowell Hill called attention to the fact that sixteen years ago today Leah Machmer and John
Osipovitch were married in the church. It being the first wedding performed here. One being held since, that of William Boyd
and Alene Morgan.
Mr. & Mrs. Osipovitch were present with their three daughters.
Frank Kohler quoted scripture and gave some thought provoking remarks on “Time”.
Frances Segur spoke briefly callingatention to the new hymnals, money for some having been given by decendants
in memory of Peter Boyd and family. Also a gift of money in memory of Lois Teeter was used.
The business meeting was lcosed and meeting turned over to Mrs. Earl Hill, program chairman who presentd the
following excellent program:
Song “The Lord is Counting on You”
- Kenny and Jerry Nickeson
Reading”Eating Crust”
- Wilford Hill
Piano Solos - Judy Osipovitch
Duet “The Song of Peace” - Linda Williams and Carol Andrus
Reading “Grandmother” - Gene Segur
Piano Solos - Mary
Reading “To Hear a Rooster Crow” - Nettie Segur
This concluded the program. The President thanked Arthur Hill for having kept the lawn mowed, also the men
for putting up tables for this “Old Home Day”.
Upon remarks by Earl Hill that he thought he heard complaints, Pres. Hill thanked the ladies who so faithfully
come each year with mops, window brushes, brooms & vacuum cleaners to “house clean” the church in preparation
for ‘Old Home Day’.
Meeting adjourned and more visiting was enjoyed, memories recalled and friendships renewed.
Deaths in 1958 - Lowell Teeter
Millicent Machmer, Sec’y.
July 27, 1958
The 29th annual “Old Home Coming” of Ward
Methodist Church was held Sunday,
July 27, 1958.
The morning workship service began at 11:00 with the minister Rev. Robert H. Jones delivering an inspiring
sermon on “The Grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ”.
Mr. Fredrick Watkins rendered a beautiful solo, accompanied by Mrs. Edna Watkins, which added much to the
At noon all gathered under the apple trees for a picnic dinner and many were heard to say that it was a perfect
summer day.
At 2:00 all reassembled in the church and the meeting was opened with the singing of two favorite hymns, chosen
by the congregation. The president then called on the sec’y to read the minutes of the previous year. Officers for next
year were appointed as follows:
President William
Vice Pres. Mort Williams
Jean McWilliams
Treasurer Nettie
Entertainment followed with:
Two songs “Joy” and “The Lord if Counting onYou” by Kay and Jerry Nickeson.
A Reading, by Elizabeth Boyd,
A Recitation by Billie McIlwain, and
A Song “Jesus Loves Me” by Karen and Barbara Boyd.
Frances Segur spoke of Euphemia Hill being ill, - this being the
second year she had missed being present at “Old Home Day” at Ward. The president called attention to Thomas B.
Kelce being present, having driven his own car. Mr, Kelce is 87 years of age. Frank Kohler ably spoke on “Time”
and quoted scripture, this being thought provoking. Albert Keltz expressed his pleasure at being present having driven from
Rochester to be here.
The president thanked the various committees for work done.
The meeting was dismissed and more visiting enjoyed outside. Many lingered late, enjoying the perfect weather
and serenity of the mountain top.
Millicent Machmer, Secretary
July 26, 1959
The annual “Old Home Day” was observed Sunday, July 26, 1959, at the Ward Methodist Church
with a grand attendance. The morning worship was delivered by the Rev. Paul Fattaruso. His text was taken from the Gospel
of Luke – 11th chapter, verses 33-36 – His theme, “The light of the body is in the eye”.
Mrs. Clayton Platt and Mrs. David Warren rendered a beautiful duet “In the Garden with Jesus” at the piano was
Mrs. Jack Williams.
After the morning service, a beautiful picnic dinner was enjoyed under the apple trees.
At 2:30, all assembled in the church for the business meeting and program. The meeting was opened by the president
Williams Boyd, with the singing of 3 hymns chosen by the congregation, lead by David Warren. Rev. Fattaruso lead in prayer.
The minutes were read and approved. Mrs. Nettie Segur gave the treasurer’s report. (Balance $70.87). Mrs. Paul Held
and Mrs. Marshall Boyd were appointed as committee women for new officers and Mrs. Paul Held thanked the officers and then
made a motion that the same officers be kept for another year. This was seconded by Lowell Hill.
William Boyd
Vice President
Mort Williams
Jean McWilliams
Nettie Segur
The meeting was closed and the program was opened with a song “I Don’t Have to Wait” by
Kathy Warren.
Recitation - Joey Rice
Recitation - John Chapter 6 – verses123-16-17-18 by Donna
Rev. Fattaruso played “Sunrise”
& a medley of two hymns “What a Friend We Have in Jesus and “Near the Cross” accompanied at the piano
by Dorothy Williams
Mrs. Zella Wilkins gracefully spoke of the church history and of the school. She remarked of being a school
teacher to 42 student and how she ever kept them under control, let alone teaching them anything. Mrs. Wilkins contributed
a donation in memory of her brothers and sisters.
Mr. Tom Kelce spoke briefly on what a great pleasure it was to come back to the “dear old mountain top
and friendly people”.
Two duets “Just a Closer Walk with Thee” and “The Old Fashion Meeting” by Mrs. Clayton
Platt and Mrs. David Warren.
Piano solo – Gene Segur
3 Piano Duets “He”,, “I Believe” and “Autumn Leaves” Shelly
and Bonnie Palmer
The secretary read a letter from Mr. and Mrs. Archie Segur thanking the officers for the Old Home Day invitation.
They regretted not being able to attend. They enclosed a donation of $10.00 to the church. The program was closed with the
congregation singing “Rock of Ages”.
Jean McWilliams, Secretary