Ward United Methodist Church


Photo Album


Minutes of Ward Church Old Home Days




July 24, 1960

The 31st annual Old Home Day was held Sunday, July 24, 1960, at the Ward Methodist Church with a good attendance. The morning worship service was delivered by the pastor, Rev. Richard Tillapaugh. His text was taken from the Book of Solomon. His theme, “As the Twig is Bent”. He briefly mentioned the history and growth of the church, the starting of our present Sunday school and the fine attendance.


A quartet, comprised of Charles Randall, Robert Randall, Ransford Campbell and Percy White rendered two beautiful number, “The Church in the Wildwood” and “In the Garden”.


After the morning service, a bountiful picnic dinner was enjoyed under the apple trees.

At 2:00, all again assembled in the church for the business meeting and program. The meeting was opened by the president Williams Boyd with the singing of three hymns chosen by the congregation. Rev. Tillapaugh led in prayer. The minutes were read and approved. Mrs. Nettie Segur gave the treasurer’s report (balance $78.86). Williams Boyd fearing  repetition of past nominating committees, presented the following slate of officers:

President          James Segur

Vice President   Earl Hill

Secretary          Janet Segur

Tresurer           Louise Rice

This was seconded by Betty Boyd. Frances Segur mentioned the improvement on the sluice in front of the church, also the gravel that was put in the driveway. Rev. Tillapaugh mentioned the need for new stones in the church – especially since the starting of Sunday School and the need for heat early in the morning. Millie Machmer was Old Home Day collections are for the upkeep of the church and suggested that perhaps the new heating system might be purchased in this way. Mr. Tom Kelce spoke briefly on his pleasure at being able to attend and how he feels he has come home again when he comes on the mountain. Rev. Fattaruso spoke, saying he was happy to be with us, and God had been very gracious to give us such nice weather.


The program was as follows:

Piano Solo  - “Tumbling” Gene Segur

Song – “I Shall Not Pass This Way Again” Eloise, Shelli & Bonnie Palmer

The 23rd Psalm – Donna McWilliams and Linda Merritt

Piano Solo – Linda Williams

Rev. Fattaruso at the Hawaiian Guitar, “Near the Cross” and “My Jesus I Love Thee” accompanied at the piano by Dorothy Williams.

Recitation – “Two Little Lips” – Barbara and Karen Boyd

Song – “Peace I Leave with You” -  Eloise, Shelli & Bonnie Palmer accompanied by Dorothy Williams

The secretary read a letter from Mr. & Mrs. Archie Segur, thanking the officers for the Old Home Day invitation. They regretted their inability to attend. They enclosed a gift of $25.00 to the church.

Meeting was adjourned.


Deaths in 1961

Bertha Teeter

                                                            Jean McWilliams, Secretary



July 30, 1961

The 32nd annual Ward Old Home Day was held July 30, 1961 at the Ward Methodist Church, with a good attendance.


The worship service began at 11 o’clock with the delivery of a fine sermon by the Rev. John Foust, Waterloo, N.Y. former pastor and originator of the Old Home Day. The scripture lesson was taken from St. Matthew, chapter 4, 1st to 11th verses. A beautiful vocal trio, “Eye Hath Not Seen” was rendered by Mrs. Eloise Palmer, Mrs. Marjorie Keltz, and Mrs. Marjorie Cummings.


After the morning service, a bountiful picnic dinner was enjoyed on the church lawn.


The afternoon program convened at 2 o’clock, beginning with the singing of several hymns chosen by the congregation. Rev. Tillapaugh mentioned briefly the fine stewardship of the church as evidenced by the roofing repairs, etc. Rev. Tillapaugh led in prayer.


One of the highlights of the afternoon was the didecation of a new pulpit bible, presented by Miss Nettie Stear, as a memorial to the following families who were faithful workers of the early years of Ward Church. Hezekiah & Polly Wilcox, Perry & Mary Brooks, Teeter Family, Peter Boyd Family, Breese Family, Kniffin Family, Hill Family, Segur Family, and Smith Family. Mrs. Early Hill presented the Bible and Williams Boyd accepted on behalf of the church.


The program continues as follows:

Song – “Let Us Break Bread Together” – Mrs. John Foust

Piano Duet – “Father We Thank Thee” and “Faith of Our Fathers” Mrs. Clayton Platt and Karen Boyd

Poem – “Inventory” – dedicated to all little girls - Mrs. Marshall Boyd

Song – “Living For Jesus” – Karen and Barbara Boyd

Song – “Walk Along With Jesus” – Nancy Machmer

Twenty Fourth Psalm – Patty Machmer


The president thanked all who participated in the program. Also, Gerald Boyd for his fine cooperation at thepiano. The minutes were read and approved. The treasurer’s report was read. The nominating committee presented the following clate of officers for the ensuing year:

President          Francis Segur

Vice President   William Cole

Secretary          Eloise Palmer

Treasurer          Louise Rice


Frank Kohler spoke briefly on how history repeats itself in so far as freedom and families are concerned. Mr. Tom Kelce extended an invitation to all to attend Fallbrook Old Home Day August 6, 1961.


The president reported that shingles had been purchased for the roof, also that they were planning to paint the church, too.


Rev. Foust spoke about the fine progress of the church through the years. He also mentioned the talent to be found and developed in small groups as churches.


He told briefly about his family of three daughters and one son, their occupations, and how his life is spent in retirement. He asked to be released from further speaking commitments as be does not care to drive at night.


Rev. Foust dismissed the group with prayer.

                                                            Janet Segur, Sec’y.




July 29, 1962

The 23rd Ward Old Home Day was held at the Methodist church on July 29, 1962. The weather man did not cooperate and the attendance was smaller than usual. There were 79 at the morning worship conducted by Rev. Richard Tillapaigh of Clifton Springs, N.Y., former minister at Ward.


The MME trio, Marjorie Reedy, Marjorie Keltz, and Eloise Palmer sang “Peace I Leave with You” accompanied by Mrs. Shelva Palmer.


Mr. Tillapaugh read the first 16 verses from the 5 chapters of Matthew. His text was taken from the 16th serve “Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in Heaven”. He stated that we should not let the dark thoughts dominate our lives. We as Christians are a minority group in the world and we cannot dwell on these darks thoughts. Let us keep our candle of Christian truth always lighted. This is a day dedicated to the remembrance of those who built this church. We must show to the world the love of God and how we can be one in Christ. Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.


Because of a light rain, the picnic dinner was held in the Grange Hall. Everyone returned to the church for the 2 o’clock meeting.


The president, Francis Segur welcomed everyone to the 33rd Old Home Day.


The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The treasurer, Louise Rice, reported a balance of $62.17.


The president presented the slate of officers chosen by the nominating committee as follows:

President – William Cole

Vice President – Lawrence Machmer

Secretary – Eloise Palmer

Treasurer – Louise Rice


A letter was read from Mr. & Mrs. Archie Segur of California. They enclosed a check for $25.00 to be used by the church in some way.


The following program was given:

Recitation – Karen Boyd

Recitation – Barbara Boyd

Flutophone Solo – “Sweet Hour of Prayer” – Sheila McWilliams

Duet  – “He” – Chris and Peg Cole – accompanied by Jerry Boyd

Song – “My Bible and I” – Karen, Kenny, and Barbara Boyd

Piano Solo – “On Top of Old Smokey” – Patty and Cindy Machmer

Reading – Betty Boyd


The president asked of anyone had a few words to say. Mrs. Kiff, Horseheads, N.Y., said she was very glad to be here today. She attended church school here from the time she was 9 or 10 until she grew up and was married and went away. She was visiting Nettie Stears who was unable to attend today because of illness. She hoped she would be able to come again.


Frank Koehler had a few words to say about the courts decision of not having prayer in the school.


The president reported the paint has been purchased for the church and expects to have it on the church before next year.


Rev. Tillapaugh was asked to say a few words. He stated, although he may be a former minister, he finds one does not lose the affection for the Ward Church. He compared the church to the growth of a tree. It grows very fast some years and more slowly others. This church is in a period of growth. He was very glad to be here.


A group of songs were sung, chosen by the congregation and accompanied by Mrs. Clayton Platt, ending with “Bless Be The Tie That Binds” with prayer and benediction by Rev. Tillapaugh. A time of fellowship was enjoyed by all, hoping to meet again next year.

                                                            Eloise Palmer, Sec’y




July 28, 1963

The 34th Old Home Day was held at the Ward Methodist Church on July 28, 1963.


The worship service was begun at 11 o’clock. Christine Cole was pianist for the morning and played “Etude” as the prelude. Rev. Donald Rahtjen, pastor of the church, was the speaker. He read from Luke 8, 40-56 verses. A very good sermon on “Contact With Christ” was heard by a good sized congregation. The MME trio, Marjorie Reedy, Marjorie Keltz, and Eloise Stalker sang “Peace I Leave with You”.


It was a beautiful day for the picnic dinner enjoyed by all under the apple trees.


The president, Williams Cole, opened the two o’clock meeting by welcoming everyone to the 34th Old Home Day. “The Old Rugged Cross”, “I’ll Sing the Wondrous Song”, and “In My Heart There Rings a Melody” chosen by the congregation was heartily sung with Mrs. Clayton Platt at the piano.


A short program was given as follows:

Recitation:        Debby Cole

Song:                “I Open My Bible” and “Christ is My Way” Barbara Boyd, Karen Boyd, Debby Cole, and Kathy Cole

                        Accompanied by Christine Cole.

Song:                “Helping Hands” and “The Whisper Song” Barbara Boyd, Kathy and Debbie Cole accompanied by Karen               Boyd

Recitation:        Kathy Cole

Piano Solo:       Barbara Boyd

Bells Solo:         “Fairest Lord Jesus” Sheila McIlwain

Piano Solo:       “Toy Soldiers on Parade” Sheila McIlwain

Piano Duet:      “Faith of Our Fathers” Karen Boyd, Barbara Boyd which concluded the program


Minutes of the last meeting were read by the secretary and approved. Betty Boyd gave the treasurer’s report in the absence of Louise Rice. Balance on hand $69.05.


Rev. Rahtjen reported several repairs had been made to the church. A new coat of white paint and new shutters.


The following slate of officers selected by the nominating committee was presented by the president:

President:         Lawrence Machmer

Vice President:  Bill Boyd

Secretary:         Leah Osipovitch

Treasurer:         Alene Boyd


Frank Kohler gave a short talk and Lucy Dunbar, a former resident at Ward, said she was very glad to be back.


The president and Nettie Stears had offered to buy shades for the windows of the church. This will be discussed at a class meeting.


The meeting was closed by singing “Bless Be the Tie that Binds” and the benediction by Rev. Rahtjen.

                                                            Eloise Stalker, Sec’y



July 26, 1964

The 35th Old Home Day was held at the Ward Methodist Church on July 26, 1964. The worship service was begun at 11 o’clock. Gene Segur was pianist and played hymn from “Finlandia” as the prelude. Rev. Owen Barrett, the speaker, gave a very fine sermon. He took his text from 2nd Peter – 1st chapter – 5th verse.


Rev. Allen Barrett, son of Rev. Owen Barrett, gave the morning prayer. Special music was furnished by a group of young men from the Canton Methodist Church, consisting of Gary Machmer, Gary and Wayne McNett, Robert Merrill and Dennis Foust, who sang “Are Ye Able”, accompanied by Mrs. Dorothy Williams. There was a good attendance at the service. It was a lovely day for the picnic dinner enjoyed on the church lawn.


The two o’clock meeting was opened by the president, Lawrence Machmer. “America the Beautiful” and “Ivory Palaces” was sung with Mrs. Clayton Platt at the piano.


A short program was given as follows:

Recitation         “Hi All”           Marty Segur

Piano Solo        “Water Sprite”  Karen Boyd

Piano Solo        “Over the Hills and Far Away” Barbara Boyd

Recitation         “Here’s to the Boy”       Bill McIlwain

Piano Solo        Mary Osipovitch

A piano duet by Karen Boyd and Barbara Boyd concluded the program.


The following slate of officers as selected by the nominating committee were presented by the president for the ensuing year:

President          Marshall Boyd

Vice President   Bill Boyd

Secretary          Leah Osipovitch

Treasurer          Florence McIlwain

Collection for the afternoon was $15.22.


Frank Kohler spoke briefly. The group then sang “In the Garden” and closed by singing “Blest Be the Tie that Binds”.

                                                            Leah Osipovitch, Sec’y.

                                                            Janet Segur, Acting




July 25, 1965

The 36th Old Home Day was held at the Ward Methodist Church on July 25, 1965. The worship service was begun at 11 o’clock. Christine Cole pianist and played “Ivory Palaces” and “In the Garden” for the congregational hymns. Dr. Gilbert Bennett, District Superintendent was speaker for the day and gave a fine sermon on the idea of bringing God down to earth and putting Him into our daily lives. Special music was furnished by a quintet of young men from the Canton Methodist Church – Gary, Wayne and Steve McNett, Gary Machmer and Dennis Foust. They sang “Are Ye Able” and were accompanied by Mrs. Dorothy Williams. The offering was taken by Gene Segur and David McWilliams.


It was a lovely, warm summer day and after the service a picnic lunch was enjoyed under the apples trees with Dr. & Mrs. Bennett remaining. Many old acquaintances were renewed before the afternoon program was begun at 2 o‘clock.


Mrs. Marshall Boyd acted as the program leader and began by asking for favorite hymn selections from the congregation. Those sung were “The Old Rugged Cross” and “The Church in the Wildwood” accompanied by Mrs. Dorothy Williams. This was followed by a duet, “Onward Christian Soldiers” by Barbara Boyd and Karen Boyd. Then Mrs. Boyd read the minutes from Old Home Day, 1933, in which were described two days full of many different activities and of the large attendance of Old Home Day, 1965.


Marshall Boyd then presided over the business meeting which was begun with the reading of the minutes of the previous meeting by Mrs. Mason Machmer for Mrs. John Osipovitch, the secretary, who was absent. This was followed by the treasurer’s report by Mrs. Theron McIlwain which gave a balance on hand of $85.79. There was no old business. Under new business, officers for 1966 were elected as follows:

President:         Francis Segur

Vice President:  Mrs. Theron McIlwain

Secretary:         Mrs. Marvin Stalker

Treasurer:         Mrs. Robert McWilliams


The collection was taken up by Kenny and Kay Nickeson. There then took place a time of reminiscences of previous Old Home Days. The program was closed by congregational singing of “Blest Be the Tie that Binds” and the recitation of the Lord’s Prayer.

                                                            Leah Osipovitch, secretary

                                                            Carol Machmer, acting



July 31, 1966

The thirty-seventh Ward Old Home Day was held at the church July 31, 1966 with beautiful weather for the occasion. The worship service began at 11 A.M. with Rev. Donald Rahtjen as guest minister. Martin Cole was pianist and the congregation sang “When I Survey the Wondrous Cross”. Rev. Rahtjen read from the 18th chapter of Luke, 9-14 verses. Marvin Stalker was soloist for the morning and sang “I’ll Walk with God” accompanied by Shelva Ballard.


At this time, the large bell given by Mrs. L.M. McWilliams was dedicated in memory of Mr. L.M. McWilliams and in honor of Mrs. L.M. McWilliams and the Robert McWilliams family.


Rev. Rahtjen’s topic was “Respectable Sin”. He preached a very interesting sermon about the Publican and the Pharisee as each told what they thought about God and Jesus reaction to each of them. There were 51 in attendance at the morning service.


A good number stayed to enjoy the picnic dinner under the trees.


At 2 o’clock, the president , Francis Segur, opened the business meeting. Minutes of the last meeting were read by the secretary, Eloise Stalker and approved. Treasurer, Jean McWilliams, reported a balance of $88.58.


The president stated that since the attendance was getting smaller each year, did the group want to continue having the Old Home Day. There was a discussion with the idea that is had served its purpose and should be discontinued. There was a vote taken and was voted not to have it next year. Anyone who cared to come was invited to the Sunday School picnic the last Sunday in August at the church. Since there was no other business the meeting was adjourned.


With Shelva Ballard at the piano, the congregation then chose the following hymns to sing: “This is My Father’s World”, “If Christ Should Come”, “My Redeemer”, “Ivory Palaces”, “The Beautiful Garden of Prayer”, “In My Heart There Rings a Melody”, “Old Rugged Cross” and”God Be With You”. Mrs. Ballard then played two piano selections, “Moonlight Sonata” and “Prelude”. A lovely poem “Old Home Day at Ward” was read and composed by Mrs. Delos Williams. Barbara Boyd played a piano solo “Amaryllis” and a recitation “Life is a Mirror”. A poem “Country Church” was read by Mrs. Marshall Boyd. The program was concluded by the poem “It’s Free” read by Mrs. Mabel Machmer. A time of reminiscing followed but everyone a little sad that this was the last Old Home Day.

                                                            Eloise Stalker, Sec’y.








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